And what makes this game really neat for me is that one of the highlights of my youth was visiting the park in Denmark while my Dad was stationed in Germany with the Army.

There is one in California, Windsor England, and Billund, Denmark. LegoLand is effectively a Lego version of any other theme park building game, but what makes this one different and better is that it is both geared more towards kids, and there really are LegoLand theme parks around the world.

And you have to do this while suffering ride-stealing aliens and the loss of all the money from the gate. You have to keep the guests happy and pass the inspection by the park inspector who gives you several tries to fix the things that he thinks are wrong with your park. The objective of LegoLand is to build a working theme park using rides, attractions, restaurants and landscapes from four different themes including LegoLand, castle, wild west, and adventure themes. There's Professor Voltage the park scientist and inventor of new rides, JP the parks chief mechanic, Bob Longtree the parks chief landscaper, and who can forget Rosie Brickolini a cousin to Mama Brickolini from Lego Island and the master Chef of LegoLand. Congratulations, you have just bean hired as the new LegoLand Trainee Park Manager. Hi! This is Jonathan Ablebody the LegoLand Duty Manager. Success will unlock special bonus features. As in any good business game, a key goal is to balance expenses like wages and maintenance costs with income from visitors and guests. Beginning as a park manager in training, the player will go through several tutorial missions that demonstrate the basics of landscaping, placing attractions, and hiring a staff.
Unlike the real world parks in such locations as Carlsbad, CA, and Windsor, Great Britain, these PC parks are staffed and patronized by familiar LEGO toy characters. Players design and run their own LEGO theme parks in this lighthearted business sim.